OK 53.05

EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 22 H10
SFA/AWS A5.1 E7016


A low-hydrogen electrode with particularly good operating characteristics, providing a binder with very good mechanical properties. Thanks to the double cover, a deep crater is created, stabilizing the ignition of the welding arc and providing good protection of the pool against atmospheric air, especially in horizontal deflections. Welded material P235/S235 to P420/S420 and other. Covering: alkaline

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties Welding positions Welding current Authorizations Dimensions [ø mm]
C = 0,07
Si = 0,60
Mn = 1,00
Re [MPa] > 470
Rm [MPa] = 540
A5 = 28%
KV[J] = 150 (-20°C)
= ± | ~ ABS, DNV, GL,
2,5 3,25 4,0 5,0