On 23 June 2016 during the 5th Welding Symposium in Wrocław a ceremony took place during which the prestigious Stanisław Olszewski Medal was granted for the achievements in the development of welding industry.
A coverage of the whole event was provided by Tomasz Szulc and published in „Przegląd Spawalnictwa”. The content of the publication below:
5th Welding Symposium in Wrocław
On 23 June in the Conference Centre of Wrocław University of Science and Technology the 5th Welding Symposium took place entitled „Innovations in welding industry”. The new dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, professor T.Nowakowski briefly presented the potential and capabilities of the biggest faculty at the University, with over 6000 young people of whom some will become welders in the near future. Professor A. Ambroziak informed about development of laboratory base of the chair of Materials Science, Endurance and Welding and successful post-graduate course conducted since 2002 to get International Welding Engineering (IWE) qualifications, so far attended by almost 500 engineers. The Head of Welding Institute, Adam Pietras, Ph.D., engineer, got the auditors acquainted with the latest achievements and fields of interest of the Institute. Before lectures were presented, the ceremony had taken place granting the Olszewski Medal to M. Całek, the president of Multimet, a company from Wrocław in recognition of its merits in the area of implementation and promotion of new technologies and welding materials, especially flux-cored wires.
16 lectures were presented, supplemented by a few posters. Some of them was of a typically scientific nature, other presented new materials and solutions offered by leading welding companies. The appearance of professor J. Niagaj raised an immense interest regarding welding perspectives related to construction plans of the first Polish nuclear power station. The speaker presented a great number of information concerning specificity of construction and requirements established for modern reactors, presented all types of reactors taken into account and briefly characterized their manufacturers. He also mentioned some problems. The programme has been realized for 14 years with almost no concrete results, and even no decision was made as regards the standards to be based on while working in Poland. The categorical statement that although welded constructions constitute about 35% of the value of the reactor our companies would be able to participate in auxiliary works at best was little comforting, as no supplier would not allow them to construct the element of the reactor, cooling systems, condensers and other key elements.
Also, other lectures brought a lot and extended the knowledge of the participants of the conference. Some of them related to modern technologies such as friction stir spot welding (FSSW), low pressure cold spraying (LPCS) or laser cladding. There was an exhibition during the symposium with thirteen posts of leading welding companies. New technologies equipment and welding materials were presented, as well as the equipment ensuring protection of working environment and protective equipment. The symposium in Wrocław is becoming more and more popular; this year over 300 welders attended the event. Traditionally, the meeting was attended by a small group of students of the Faculty with outstanding academic performance, members of „Elektrohefajstos”,Students’ Scientific Welding Club.
As usual, there was a great atmosphere and perfect organization during the event, mainly thanks to engineer A. Lange, Ph.D. Also, the evening meeting of the participants of the Symposium called Wrocław Welding Revelry, which took place this year in a restaurant called Villa Caprice, is famous as it is a great place and opportunity to establish informal contacts, exchange experience and sometimes it enables to take common actions in the welding area.This highly acknowledged Symposium has become an indelible element of Wrocław scenery of scientific undertakings and undoubtedly its next edition will be successful.
Engineer Tomasz Szulc, Ph.D.