Coverage from EXPOWELDING welding fair

Coverage from EXPOWELDING welding fair

Between 14 and 16 October 2012 in Sosnowiec another edition of ExpoWELDING, welding fair took place. According to organizers, fairwas visited by 4 500 people directly connected with welding industry, and the offer was presented by 140 exhibitors. Also, Multimet...
Materialsand welding equipment by ESAB

Materialsand welding equipment by ESAB

Multimet started an extensive cooperation with ESAB in the area of distribution of welding equipment and materials. Details of the offer can be found on our website in the section dedicated to welding equipment. Additional information and catalogues are available on...
A full offer of equipment and accessories by KEMPPI

A full offer of equipment and accessories by KEMPPI

Multimet has become a Premium dealer of a Finnish company, KEMPPI. It means that we have a very attractive offer of welding equipment and accessories by KEMPPI. The catalogue offer of welding equipment can be found on our website dedicated to the offer of welding...
Nemesis safety glasses by Jackson

Nemesis safety glasses by Jackson

NEMESIS ™ safety glasses are produced by an American company – Jackson Products Ltd. They guarantee the highest level of eye protection, and used materials as well as modern shape contribute to optimum wearing comfort. Protection against posh, UV/IR radiation...
High Temperature Festival with Multimet materials

High Temperature Festival with Multimet materials

High Temperature Festival is the only open artistic event in Poland during which artists from the whole world share their knowledge and experience with other enthusiasts of „hot art”, and show their work “from the backstage” to the audience. The event takes place in...
Stanisław OlszewskiMedal for Multimet

Stanisław OlszewskiMedal for Multimet

On 23 June 2016 during the 5th Welding Symposium in Wrocław a ceremony took place during which the prestigious Stanisław Olszewski Medal was granted for the achievements in the development of welding industry. A coverage of the whole event was provided by Tomasz Szulc...
Stanisław OlszewskiMedal for Multimet

Medal Olszewskiego dla Multimetu

23 czerwca 2016r. podczas V Wrocławskiego Sympozjum Spawalniczego odbyła się ceremonia wręczenia prestiżowego medalu imienia inż. Stanisława Olszewskiego za osiągnięcia w rozwoju spawalnictwa. Relacja z całej imprezy została opisana przez dr. Tomasza Szulca i...
High Temperature Festival with Multimet materials

Festiwal Wysokich Temperatur z materiałami Multimetu

Festiwal Wysokich Temperatur jest jedyną w Polsce otwartą imprezą artystyczną, podczas której artyści z całego świata dzielą się swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem z innymi pasjonatami „sztuki na gorąco”, pokazując publiczności swoją pracę „od...